Friday, December 30, 2011

Potty Patch

Potty Patch
Does it work? Not.

The Potty Patch is artificial turf pad with and collection tray underneath with a screen between. 
The idea is that your pet could use this product of going outside.  (Yeah, you hear me - like a potty seat for your pet)

This product is a downer; here are the issues:
1) It smells, and is difficult to clean.
2) The fake grass frays, and is easily chewed apart by your pet. 
3) The product makes a couple of assumptions: One, that your dog will not learn to drag around the turf making a bigger mess than their 'deposits'. Two, that your pet will be attracted to the pad and not use for a chew toy or sleeping pad.

I think this is a pretty poor idea to begin with, but the turf and screen should definitely snap in.  The grass should be durable-able, and should be for a patio only. 

Interestingly, there is a close cousin product called a "Patio Park" for outside use.
Here's the link:

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