Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Big City Slider Station

URL: BigCitySlider.com
Does it work? Quality in Question

Short and sweet; the big question here is the quality of the product, the non stick coating in particular. I did experience a bit of flaking off into the meat. This is a bit of deal breaker for me. (I happen to have a very low tolerance when it comes to part of the baking apparatus in my food)

This may explain why the product is longer really advertised on TV anymore.

Video Review

Thursday, June 11, 2009

NuWave Oven Pro

NuWave® Oven Pro
URL: www.MyNuwaveOven.com
Does it work? Yes

It does cook food. At the correct setting it will cook frozen meat well and it is tasty. The basics work best, chicken, hot dogs, potatoes, and vegetables. Flipping and turning food is cumbersome it the device. Its best feature 'set and go' features.

A couple of major issues a) the quality of the product; the dome is fragile and prone to cracking and the base is wobbly. b) secondly the cooking can be uneven. Larger pieces can cook uneven on the outside and the very center.

Good FOX news review